We pride ourselves on working in challenging and difficult environments.

The current healthcare landscape has frequently led to an erosion of trust on many fronts. We have been successful at navigating the numerous issues that have bearing on the development of a trustworthy environment that leads to successful leadership, successful business performance, and a trustworthy health care delivery milieu.

Hospitals and Health Systems

We work with hospitals and health systems across the country to grow their business, improve quality and safety, increase access, and improve patient, physician, and staff experience.

Medical and Clinical Practices

Learning how to thrive in today’s constraining regulatory and economic environment is a great challenge.

Health Care Related Businesses and Boards

We undertake assessment of cultural fit as well as relevance of clinical and medical issues to a new business alliance or venture.

Educational Institutions, Associations, and Leadership Programs

We engage current and future leadership in addressing issues of the day and challenges of the future by developing successful organizational culture and operational and medical leadership teams.

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”

Eric Hoffer

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